Assorted Highland Dancing links
This is a page of links I've collected more or less related to Scottish Dancing.
I have nothing to do with these sites, so can take neither credit nor blame - if
you want to comment, please contact the maintainer(s) of the site in question.
See also the General Scottish Dance links
and Kilts, kiltmaking and scottish store links.
The Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing
The Scottish Official Highland Dancing Association
Deryck Mitchelson's Highland Dancing Resource,
with news, results, events, profiles, entry forms, and more.
Highland Dancing:
A Dancer's Guide - a very good site run by Andrea Navin. Lots of useful information.
Whitelaw Dancing - highland group
web site which includes competition forms for competitions throughout Scotland.
HighlandNet, a series of pages which provide
free and current information about Highland Games in the States and
elsewhere. Among the info provided is specific data on dance competitions and,
when possible, replicated highland dance entry
forms which can be printed online and mailed to the
event organizer.
Highland X Press, highland dance, country
dance and piping costume and equipment distributor. Includes
pages for used costumes as well.
David Coulter School of Highland Dance

This site also includes a
listing of teachers around the world.
Loraine Ritchey's Highland Highlights - articles
about Highland Dancing written for "Dancer" magazine.
Highland Dance Teachers' Association of England.
Scottish Highland Games Association -
the governing body of Traditional Highland Games in Scotland.
Heather's Highland Closet,
Highland Dance supplier in Canada. Also includes local events and competitions.
Gareth Mitchelson's Celtic Spirit pages,
includes UK, US & Canadian championship dates, winners names, league table and links
to championship web sites (where available).
Deryck Mitchelson's Toe and Heel web site. Includes
web site for Cowal.
Highland Dancers of Scotland web site.
The Hullachan Pro web site, home page of Craig Coussins'
dance shoe of the same name. Includes articles on dance injury and how to avoid it,
and a video on how to lace your shoes properly. Most of this is also on
the US Hullachan web site.
Highland Dance - Highland
dance costume and equipment supplier based in West Lothian, Scotland.
Highland Island - highland
dance shoes, dancer supplies, gifts and information .
Worlddance gifts - gifts for dancers, includes
some specifically for Highland dancers.
The Jig is Up,
article in Dance Spirit magazine July 1999.
Bernadette Price's Celtic Cafe - information about
all sorts of Celtic stuff (particularly Irish). Includes Loraine Ritchie's "Highland Highlights" column.
The online version of the Dancer
newspaper. Mostly tap, jazz, ballet, and now has a regular highland dance column.
Down Under the Kilt - website for
McFarland Scottish and Celtic Supplies, Veronica Law
School of Highland Dancing, Peninsula Highland Dancing Association and
Dougies Sydney Highland Pumps. This new site, based in Australia is
regularly updated with photos from dancing events around the globe,
currently with interview with Gareth Mitchelson.
Highland Media group publishers
of Highland Dancing, Piping World, 24/7 Scottish Music and Celtic World.
Inside Scotland is an amalgamation of our four monthly publications,
published weekly in A3 format. In addition, an e-zine version of the
magazine goes out across North America. Online editions of the magazine
are available on their web site.
ScotDance 2001, Quebec.
Ogopogo's Scotch Highland and Celtic Resource site.
Includes a highland dance costume exchange.
Cath's Costumes - highland
costume exchange.
Elizabeth's Highland Dancing page
- good reference to competetive highland dancing.
Kate's Highland Dance Library -
very detailed page containing history of all the highland dances among other things.
Winnie's Workshop - highland dance shop in
Highland Kitty's Scottish Dancing - Highland
practice video.
Lines in design - accessories for Highland
and Irish dancers.
New Zealand Piping and Dancing web site.
Cowal Highland Gathering.
Inter-Regional Highland Dancing Championship
and the North American Championship for the year 2001.
Scottswords, a practice sword supplier.
The Highland Dancer's Organizer.
Also at this website
Madelyn's Highland Dancing page,
includes an animted 6-step Fling.
Bellingham Highland Games, WA, USA.
Glasgow Kentucky Highland Games
Julia's Highland Dancing web community.
Reilly's highland dance page
Highland Fusion, highland dance performance group based
in San Diego, CA.
Five Dogs and a Cat publishing - highland dancing
publishing house. Publishers of "A Parent's Guide to Highland Dancing" and "Highland Dancer"
Halifax Highland Dancing Association - trying to be a
general resource for highland dancers.
Ciarrai-Finn School of Dance, Stonehaven, Scotland.
(link only). Publishers of "Hints & Tips For Highland Dancing".
Chris Apps Reeds: mainly
bagpipe reeds and accessories, but also two
instructional posters for highland dancing. One is a diagram of the
ground positions of highland dancing the other is a diagram of the
positions used in the sword dance.
I also have other pages of links:
Scottish Dance:
General Scottish Dancing links.
- Dance types:
Scottish dance bands (includes descriptions).
Scottish Dance groups world-wide
Other events pages.
Health: Looking after your body,
managing injuries.
Music: Scottish and Folk music pages
Email lists:
Relevant mailing and discussion lists.
online columns.
- Scottish links
Other miscellaneous links which may be interesting.
Web stuff, including search engines and directories.
Or try ScotFind
Scottish Links engine.
If you have any other links you would like me to include here, please
me with the URL and some details.
Return to the Grand Chain home page.

Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland