Event pages
As well as
my events listing pages,
other dance events pages I know of include the following.
I have nothing to do with these sites, so can take neither credit nor blame - if
you want to comment, please contact the maintainer(s) of the site in question.
Scottish dance:
Scottish Dance Diary.
The Inter-City Scot, a newsletter
of Scottish Country dance events in North America, compiled by Patricia Donaldson.
Celtic Circle listing of SCD events in Continental
John Marshall's events listing for Scottish Country Dances
in the Heart of England, "from Oxford and Abingdon in the east to Hereford and Ross in the west; from Birmingham
and Coventry in the north to Bristol and Bath in the south."
The Ceilidh Collective -
Edinburgh-based fundraising ceilidhs for social and environmental grassroots
and charitable organisations.
Ceilidh Culture - annual
celebration of the traditional arts activity taking place in Edinburgh, held
each Spring.
VITRIFOLK - groupe des dances folkloriques (folk dance groups). Note
this site is in French.
Highland Dance Teachers' Association of England
includes listing of competitions and events.
Gareth Mitchelson's Celtic Spirit pages,
includes UK, US & Canadian championship dates, winners names, league table and links
to championship web sites (where available).
Events listing from
the website of Chris Turner's Set and Turn Single
magazine for English Folk dancing.
Edinburgh Branch RSCDS's Dancers' Diary.
Callum's Ceilidhs at the Wanderer's Rugby Club
- regular Edinburgh ceilidh.
Glasgow Dance Guide diary.
Scotland On-Line's calendar
of Highland Games
London &
South East RSCDS events calendar from ``The Reel''.
Bagpiper Directory
calendar of Highland games, Celtic and Irish events in the US.
Scottish Events in the Greater
Cleveland Area and Ohio.
Ceilidh Club - organises ceilidhs in London.
Celtic Colours, annual international festival in
Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Joe Shelby's database of Celtic
events in DC, USA.
Eastern Ontario Scottish Country Dance Calendar.
The Dance Gyspy - events in northern New England, USA.
Keith Rose's (email) events
Martin Sheffield's events
in the south-east of France.
Stephan Barthel's Scottish
Country Dance Events in Germany and Central Europe.
Chicago events.
Art Sweet's Scottish Events in Ohio.
Events at Halsway Manor, some of
them Scottish.
Scottish and Celtic games listing.
US Scots.
The Tartan pages events page.
The Cape Breton ceilidh trail.
Pinewoods camp.
UkEvents in Scotland - guide to events in Scotland
(appears to be mainly concerts and nightclubs), including free tickets.
Trigallia festival - biennial celtic festival in the
town of Argenta, Italy.
And events pages for other dance forms:
Finally some pages for events (as opposed to the listing pages above):
I also have other pages of links:
Scottish Dance:
General Scottish Dancing links.
- Dance types:
Scottish dance bands (includes descriptions).
Scottish Dance groups world-wide
Other events pages.
Health: Looking after your body,
managing injuries.
Music: Scottish and Folk music pages
Email lists:
Relevant mailing and discussion lists.
online columns.
- Scottish links
Other miscellaneous links which may be interesting.
Web stuff, including search engines and directories.
Or try ScotFind
Scottish Links engine.
If you have any other links you would like me to include here, please
me with the URL and some details.
Return to the Grand Chain home page.
Last updated 6-08-04 .

Except where otherwise indicated, all content on this site (including text, images, dance descriptions and any
other original work) is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
This page is maintained by Ian Brockbank
Edinburgh, Scotland